Thursday, March 5, 2009

So SMART by Howard the Very Tall Dog

Hi guys,
Just thought I'd tell you what happened last night to me. It wasn't a big deal to me, but my mom was very amazed.
Mom, Dad and that Kid left me at about 1 in the afternoon, I was watching my soaps. They were going on a day trip to Chicago, which is about 2 hours away. So they fed me and left, locked the doors too.
Cool. No big deal.
Mom says she was worried because she knew they would be gone a while and didn't want me to pee in the house. They FINALLY got back around 10pm - TEN HOURS LATER. But guess what? I didn't pee. Wanna know why?
I opened the locked slider door myself and went outside. No big deal. I'm a smart dog right?
Pretty cool!
Love and slobber,

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