Saturday, October 31, 2009

My FAVORITE thing!

 My Halloween costume....thanks Mom.

I haven't checked in for a while so I thought I'd say hi and tell you about my favorite thing!
Mom and Dad took me for a ride in the and let me tell you, I LOVE that!

But then they went to this cool place called Dairy Queen, where Dad ordered me !
The lady said, "Does your dog want a treat too?"
Dad said, "the cone IS his treat!"
So when I got my , it had tiny doggie treats on top of it!
OH man, that is the best!

Ask for it, you guys! You'll love it!

Love and slobber,

Summer post, I do NOT swim!!

Hey Dudes,
My dad has been on this kick to get me to go in the water. I mean come on...has he noticed my very long Great Dane legs??
We live by Lake Michigan so he takes me to the beach, which is great. Other people, other cute dogs!
But then he wants me to put my feet in the water!

Has he noticed how cold it is?
Has he seen how big this water is and how far it goes?
I could
Besides, if he would just get me a life vest maybe that would help!

Love and slobber,

Get outta my yard!!

OK, this morning I was just recovering from a LONG walk with my mom, just hanging out. When all of a sudden someone walks right down the sidewalk in front of our house!
I look outside and it's this lady with PINK shoes and a weird little dog, just walking on our GRASS!

I mean come on...don't you know that "I" live here dude? This is MY grass.
So I barked at them through the front window. They just kept on walking, ON MY GRASS!

So what does a big do to make a point??

I knocked out the screen window!! Luckily Mom was there to hold me back or I would've just jumped out the window!

THEN the weird lady just stopped like she was gonna chat with Mom. I just couldn't stand the pink shoes. Then she walked away.
Problem solved.

Love and slobber....

What holiday is this??

People keep ringing the doorbell all the time. It drives me NUTS. And little kids are looking funny. What the heck? Then Mom put a hat on me.
I don't think I like this thing called Halloween.

What holiday is this??

People keep ringing the doorbell all the time. It drives me NUTS. And little kids are looking funny. What the heck? Then Mom put a hat on me.
I don't think I like this thing called Halloween.


Get this dudes...
Dad took me to that place that has the awesome cheeseburgers and I got one!
I had my pinchy collar on so I didn't jump out and run away.

When we got out of the car in front of the house Saturday afternoon, Dad got out first and I followed him and that freaking collar got caught...on his pants....AND....

pulled his pants down!!
All the neighbors were outside too!

Love and slobber,
Howard the Very Tall Dog

Serves him right. He shut the window on my head last week. Sheesh.