Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How do you move The Beast?

Howard went running outside one evening, after a tennis ball, stopped dead, turned around with this mournful look, lifting one paw. Uh-oh...
Limped inside and went to bed at around 8pm...didn't get up the next morning so I'm starting to get really worried. I mean, how do you move a 130+ lb. beast?? A crane?
I called the vet and they prescribed a pain killer. Nurse: "Just give him the 200 lb. dosage." OK...
So I have to try and get this mournful dog to open up and drink the liquid medication, which was a trick. I guess it was better than a pill!! He wouldn't even lift his about a drama queen!
So by noon,, I'm starting to panic...he has not peed since 8pm the night before...
I figure if I go downstairs he will follow because he will follow me around the house when I'm home..upstairs, downstairs, inside, outside, like a little kid.
I turn around and realize he has made it all the way downstairs on his own, without a sound. Let him out and he's limping a bit, but fine. WHEW!
Won't walk up the two stairs to the deck, so I open the garage and he gets inside.
Love that medication!!
Took him a couple of days, and he's fine now. Especially after "Daddy" came home.
Big baby.

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